
Get Safe, Functional, and ADA-Compliant Sidewalks with Queen’s Experts

Make your sidewalks accessible to people with different mobility levels. Hire our licensed experts and install new ADA-compliant sidewalks for your residential or commercial property. With our careful assessment, planning, and execution of the installation process, we provide services that stand the test of time. We understand that it can be difficult for people in wheelchairs or visually impaired people to make their way through the crowd. That is why we built the sidewalks that allow disabled people to drive themselves through the sidewalks without any assistance.

Need ADA-Compliant Sidewalks? Reach Out to Us Today.

ADA-Compliant Sidewalk

ADA Regulations That We Fulfill

By following ADA guidelines, we provide sidewalk repair and replacement services that are accessible and functional for everyone to use. Let us tell you how we install ADA sidewalks.

  • Width of ADA-Sidewalks: We ensure that ADA-compliant walkway width must be 32 inches and its length must be 24 inches. For turning sidewalks, we ensure that sidewalks are 42 inches wide.
  • Slope of ADA-Sidewalks: The ADA-compliant sidewalk slope must not be steeper than 5% so that people with wheelchairs can easily get on them. While installing the sidewalks, we ensure to make a proper slope.
  • Curb Ramp of ADA-Sidewalks: ADA-compliant sidewalks must have a curb ramp for easy access for everyone. To make your sidewalks ADA-compliant, we install sidewalk curbs with a slope of 1:12.
  • Passing Space for ADA Sidewalks: If your sidewalks are 5 feet wide, they must have a passing space of 200 feet. You can make the space 60 by 60 inches so that people can easily use their wheelchairs.
  • Slip-Resistant Sidewalks: ADA sidewalks must not be polished or smooth so that people using canes, crutches, or other walking aids don't slip. By using slip-resistant material, we ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Texture of ADA-Sidewalks: ADA-sidewalks must have hard surfaces made from concrete or asphalt. That is why we don’t use gravel for sidewalk replacement and repair.

Make Your Sidewalks ADA-Compliant

Want to make your sidewalks ADA-compliant? Let us help you fix your damaged sidewalks and make them ADA-compliant so that everyone has equal access to your sidewalks. Give us a call today and get your sidewalks fixed. We are only one call away.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sidewalks adjacent to commercial properties must be ADA-compliant so that people can have access to them. Failing to provide access to people can lead to heavy fines by the government.
In Queens, federal regulations ensure that the sidewalks adjacent to your commercial property adhere to the regulations of the American Disability Act.
Yes. If commercial property owners don’t abide by city rules and regulations, they become liable for the fines regulated by the NYC government.
The ADA requires the sidewalks to be free from any sort of tripping hazards, as the visually impaired and people with other disabilities can trip over them and get injured.